Pouring Like Rain in Your Arms Again Christian Song

We are right in the midst of celebrating the last of the seven Feasts of THE LORD: Sukkot (or The Feast of Tabernacles).

It started in the evening of 20 September and ends in the evening of 27 September 2021.

This particular Feast of THE LORD celebrates when GOD will Tabernacle with man forever in The Holy City, New Jerusalem.

( And oh, as THE LORD showed Isaiah the prophet about The New Jerusalem, we will be celebrating "The Appointed Feasts" there forever and ever with no sorrow. Please see Isaiah 33:20 -22. )

GOD always shows up at His Feasts with MIGHTY Words and Works, (John 2:13-17;7:37-39). JESUS CHRIST is The Same yesterday, today and forever. As He did then, so He does now.

Indeed, as a personal testimony, since pressing in with this revelation, I always have special visitations of THE LORD during His Feasts.

In fact and in Truth, THE LORD visited me on the first night of Tabernacles as I shared in a recent Word.

THE LORD is in the midst of us. Let us seek Him more commitedly. Hallelu-YAH!

"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13.

The former rain and the latter rain are falling RIGHT NOW!

"Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in THE LORD your GOD; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you — the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil. "So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise THE NAME OF THE LORD your GOD, Who has dealt wondrously with you; and My People shall never be put to shame. Then you shall know that I AM in the midst of Israel: I AM THE LORD your GOD And there is no other. My people shall never be put to shame." Joel 2:23-27.

I believe it is important to again share a dream I had last month which expressly speaks about the season we are in.

The dream was set at a broadcasting organisation. I was going to see a work colleague off. (He looked familiar — like someone I know in the natural). We were on a very high platformed building complex.

He was broke, and, although I also urgently needed money, I was very very strong in faith, and exhorting him fervently.

I was telling him that THE LORD will send the former rain and the latter rain in the first month. And that in Israel, they are indeed sowing right now…..

Demonstrating with my right hand, I made the statement more accurate by saying that their crops have just started and growing. (I had in my imagination maize crop two to three weeks old).

When I mentioned "former rain and latter rain", he tried to show his knowledge of Scripture by saying "Daniel 9:10" (referencing the quotation).

"Daniel 9:9", I said in response — somewhat to correct him, but I backtracked immediately and he concurred. And I added that Daniel 9:9 talks about "times and seasons".

We descended and came off the building complex and walking along an adjoining tarred pathway and saw a few new 50 bank notes. I let him pick all and didn't scramble for the money in competition with him — so he could have some money he much needed.

Then we saw some more money (50 bank notes). Again, I let him pick all and didn't scramble with him in competition.

I was now a few steps ahead of him.

Then, unexpectedly, I saw much more money (50 bank notes), and now decided to pick them too.

Surprisingly, my colleague got greedy and unkind toward me, displeased that I was now picking some money too. In fact, he was trying to block me with his body, but to no avail.

I was not one bit moved by his evil attempts against me, but continued picking more and more money, as he too was picking them. However, I was fast surpassing him.

Suddenly, I saw MUCH MUCH MORE money of new, crisp 200 bank notes!

The wads of money were neatly packed in bundles as one would receive from a cashier at a bank. (But these were not bound, yet neatly packed).

My colleague didn't see them. Discreetly and quickly, I picked them and stuffed them into my left side pocket; it was overloaded and the money was protruding. I carefully covered it with my left hand.

My wonderful amazement was difficult to conceal, but I managed to be sober.

WHAT! What a haul!!! It was much more than enough.

I bid my colleague goodbye, saying to him in a prophetic reference to myself (regarding his aforementioned evil attempts to block me): "Remember when the Philistines persecuted Isaac? Don't touch Isaac; he carries the promise."

And with that parting shot, I made my way back to celebrate privately.

In short order, my eyes welled up with tears of joy and thanksgiving, GREATLY amazed at The Love and Kindness and Faithfulness of GOD unto me.

Recollecting the recent days of need and communing with THE LORD, I examined myself and evaluated whether I had trusted THE LORD enough in the difficulty.

I discerned that an angel came and laid the money in our path. The latter stage, especially the 200 notes, was specifically orchestrated for me.

It started drizzling as I approached the stairway to climb up back to the building complex.

A streaming group of young ladies were descending the stairs carrying large basins on their heads.

I tried to disguise my tears with the rain so that they won't notice them.

Indeed, the rain was metaphorical: it was showers of blessing signifying the amazing BLESSING I had just been EXCEEDINGLY blessed with by THE LORD!

And then I woke up – very surprised that it was a dream! For it had felt so real – so much so that, upon waking up I lamented: "Oh LORD, it was a dream {:-)?!"

I have since been FERVENTLY PRAYING it into manifestation. (What GOD reveals must be prayed about as led by THE HOLY SPIRIT).


In stating the obvious, my telling the work colleague that THE LORD will send the former rain and the latter rain in the first month, is a prophetic reference and DECLARATION for the fulfillment of Joel 2:23-24 for us children of GOD right now:

"Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in THE LORD your GOD; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you — the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. the threshing floors shall be full of wheat, And the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil." Joel 2:23-24.

The Daniel 9:9 and 9:10 references, although neither about "the former and latter rain" nor "times and seasons", were a Divine Genius instruction by THE HOLY SPIRIT to fast and pray the Daniel 9 repentance, prayers and supplications to clear the way for GOD to bless us with the former rain and the latter rain in this time and season. Yes, "the times of restoration of all things"! (Acts 3:19-21).

No wonder the rain at the end — indicating that The Blessing of THE LORD at this time will wipe away every tear from our eyes.

HOLY SPIRIT-led sacrifice for THE LORD and/or others always results in exceedingly amazing promotion for oneself – just as THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Himself got promoted when HE sacrificed for us.

Thus, when I let my colleague have the initial moneys (although I also needed them direly), more and better moneys were specifically arranged for me by THE LORD.

The work colleague's attempts to block me represent Satan's hindrances to our answered prayers and expectations from THE LORD, just as he hindered Daniel's prayer but was eventually dislodged out of the way by Michael the archangel.

As well, they symbolise fellow workers in THE LORD's Harvest who have persecuted us with unthinkable and unimaginable wickedness after our kindness to them, just as the Philistines did to Isaac until he was blessed with the well of Beersheba by THE LORD.

( I have had an excruciating share of them: fellow workers going rogue against me. )

Let us sacrifice for THE LORD and our brethren. GOD is very pleased with HOLY SPIRIT-led sacrifices.

"But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices GOD is well pleased." Hebrews 13:16.

And the bank notes! The 50 bank note symbolises JUBILEE! After all the pains and sorrows we have been through, it must now be a life of Jubilee for us – to have life more abundantly exactly as JESUS came to give us.

As our LORD said:

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10.

The 200 bank notes, I believe, signifies Strong's Greek 200: "akris", which means locust.

Thus, THE LORD is saying explicitly:

"So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise THE NAME OF THE LORD your GOD, Who has dealt wondrously with you; and My People shall never be put to shame. Then you shall know that I AM in the midst of Israel: I AM THE LORD your GOD And there is no other. My People shall never be put to shame." Joel 2:25-27.

All that we have lost will be restored at this time – being "the times of the restoration of all things" (Acts 3:21). And so we must be well prepared and positioned to receive the restoration. It is HUGE!

We must engage in fervent repentance, prayers and supplications with declarations as led by THE HOLY SPIRIT.

These days and weeks and months constitute a most critical period to repent like Daniel, to wrestle with GOD like Jacob, to face the wall and cry out to GOD like Hezekiah, and to weep in fervent prayer like our LORD JESUS CHRIST Himself,

"Who, in the days of His Flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him Who was able to save Him from death [resurrect Him], and was heard because of His GODly fear," Hebrews 5:7.

Apart from always instantly repenting for specific things, THE LORD instructed me last month to start praying Psalm 51 out loud everyday in Repentance. It is one of the last things I do before going to bed.

Our call is to know our GOD and His Ways and always obey by The Help of THE HOLY SPIRIT.

One of GOD's Ways is His desire for His children to weep, yes, CRY OUT to Him for His Mercy and intervention.

THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Himself demonstrated this in Gethsemane on the night He was arrested to release us from bondage of the devil.

We must ask GOD for angelic intervention as Daniel had.

Michael the archangel is the one who always contends with and gets the devil out of the way, (Revelation 12:7 – 9; Daniel 10: 12,13; Jude 1:9).

Angelic assistance is part of our inheritance. Let us ask GOD for Michael the archangel to cast Satan out of the way of answered prayer and other blessings THE LORD is sending to us.

"PAID IN FULL: receive your inheritance and healing"

Subsequently, I had another dream in which a book I had written titled "PAID IN FULL: receive your inheritance and healing" was displayed on a table nearby while a man of GOD was preaching at a petrol station. I spotted the book when I was joining the service.

The book ("PAID IN FULL: receive your inheritance and healing") indicates 'The Book'/ "The Word of The Oath" (Hebrews 7:28) — The New Covenant in THE BLOOD OF JESUS.

"PAID IN FULL" (in other words, IT IS FINISHED!) is what THE LORD JESUS CHRIST did and declared for us when He shed His BLOOD on THE CROSS to wash us from our sins. (Colossians 2:14-15; Revelation 1:5).

Therefore, we must pray and confess repeatedly: "In JESUS' NAME, by THE BLOOD OF CHRIST, it is PAID IN FULL: I receive my inheritance and healing."

Note that the service was at a service station, and the book "PAID IN FULL: receive your inheritance and healing" was displayed by the service.

Service stations sell fuel oil. Oil is symbolic of THE HOLY SPIRIT. And the service going on there is "The Ministry of THE SPIRIT" (2 Corinthians 3:8).

Thus, it is only by The Ministry of THE HOLY SPIRIT can we access and obtain our "PAID IN FULL" – that is, receive our inheritance and healing PAID IN FULL for us by our LORD JESUS on THE CROSS.

If we ask Him, THE HOLY SPIRIT will show us what to pray and do to receive our inheritance and healing PAID IN FULL by THE BLOOD OF JESUS.

GOD will always confirm His Word

Following the two dreams above, I had in my YouTube feed two videos respectively by other men of GOD (all produced and released after THE LORD had shown me similar things).

Please, you MUST watch the videos below and pray with The Utterance of THE HOLY SPIRIT – Words which THE HOLY SPIRIT teaches, (Acts 2:4; 1 Corinthians 2:13).

To clear Satan and his hindrances out of the way, you can pray:

"In THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, I pray The DEVOURING Fire from His Mouth (Psalm 18:8), THE BLOOD OF HIS CROSS, The Sharp Two-edged Sword out of His Mouth, yes, His severe Sword great and strong (Revelation 1:16; 19:15; Isaiah 27:1), and The Power of CHRIST to VIOLENTLY strike, devour, utterly destroy and clear you the prince of the kingdom of Persia — the prince of the power of the air out of the way of my answered prayers and other blessings from THE FATHER to me that are being hindered."

( Please beware that oftences and other sins hinder prayers. We must repent and forsake them with The Help of THE HOLY SPIRIT. )

Ask THE LORD to send Michael the archangel to assist with the release to you by contending with the enemy out of the way.

Also pray Psalm 118:25 repeatedly daily:

"Save now, I pray, O LORD; O LORD, I pray, send now prosperity."

Here are the videos:

  1. Confirming the former rain and the latter rain falling now:

  1. Confirming the super-abundant release of money to us by GOD at this time:

"The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen." 2 Timothy 4:22.
"Farewell" Acts 15:29.
~ Jacob Awagah

Jacob Awagah's graphic image Jacob, an apostle of Jesus Christ by The Will of God, according to The Promise of Life which is in Christ Jesus, (2 Timothy 1:1).
As John was, Jacob is the disciple whom JESUS loves, (John 13:23;19:26; 20:2; 21:7,20). And like Paul, Jacob is "the prisoner of CHRIST JESUS" (Ephesians 3:1) for His Purpose forever: to obey Him always.
"And having been perfected, He became The Author of Eternal Salvation to all who obey Him," Hebrews 5:9.


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Source: https://www.hiskingdomprophecy.com/blessings-pouring-like-rain-receive-your-inheritance-healing/

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